To Graduation and Beyond
Seligoai guides individualized learning, support & success so every student has a chance to reach their full potential.
Seligoai is Engagement Reimagined.
As every student travels their own path, Seligoai enables you to manage each unique academic journey with fresh eyes, timely insights, informed conversations and engaged guidance.

Seligoai supports an asymmetrical, individualized, curious and dynamic learning process. The collaborative learning experience between faculty and students is the single most important interaction on campus. It is complex, holistic and highly personal.

So how do we know who is at-risk?
Seligoai’s advanced statistics alert you to students who are at-risk of dropping out. And we use behavior-based early indicators to understand who is most at risk in the first days of school, not when it’s too late.
Tools For Institutional Effectiveness
Seligoai’s visual platform touches every aspect of the student lifecycle. It informs student recruitment, persistence and program completion. Built by Academics, it is your guide for administrative decision-making and resource allocation to support faculty and students.

By serving the individual you’re serving the needs of the community. Seligoai recognizes that student success and institutional sustainability are inextricably bound. The more faculty members and students understand about the nature of their teaching and learning experience, the more successful the institution as a whole will be.
