Value and Benefits

Transforming the Student Experience

Transforming the Student Experience begins by listening and by reading the most basic and salient sets of information about each student. Seligoai collects, analyzes and visualizes student data, institutional data and external demographic data enabling colleges and universities to listen well and serve their students more effectively.


About Seligoai features

Learn more about Students' interests

Higher Education is a national treasure. It is an integral part of the local, state, provincial, regional and national economies. It contributes to the arts and sciences which support community theatre, literary guilds, visual arts, sculpture, digital arts, business, K-12 Education, social services, healthcare, architecture, construction, manufacturing, technology, government, business, national security, research and more. Higher Education serves diverse markets and is accessible in both public and private institutions.


Communication with students

Identify key Student Success factors for each student

Student Success planning begins well before the student registers and enrolls in classes. Seligoai provides salient information about each student during the recruitment process and allows the recruiters, student success officers, and faculty advisors to develop an informed, personalized plan that reflects the student's prior-learning experience on the secondary level or at another college. Seligoai's Student Success and Student Portfolio provide core data sets about each student.


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Expand existing student markets and grow new student markets

Seligoai's Geospatial Analytics help manage enrollment growth. In the blink of an eye, you can see geospatial analyses of your current student markets, prospective student markets and historic student markets. This information is supplemented by demographic data which provides additional insights into these same markets. Seligoai's geospatial analyses enable you to visualize student markets and to compare three market types: current student market, historic markets (alumni), and new markets (prospective students).


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Tell me more about Seligoai

Seligoai is a Student Success enterprise solution which offers a comprehensive approach to Student Success. It empowers colleges and universities to transform the student experience by building and managing an academic and professional plan for each student. This approach to Student Success leads to program completion, personal fulfillment and professional opportunity for all students.


More about student services

Support Guided Pathways and Program Completion

Students can receive the same level of service after they enroll as they did during the recruitment process. How does Seligoai support your student success programs. By providing the tools and resources which support Guided Pathways and Program Completion: Student Success Portfolio, Recruit, Persist, Discover, Student Course Schedule with Audit, Degree Audit, Class Schedule, Internship, and Affinity Report. And these are just the resources in the Student Success module!

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The comprehensive Recruitment & Retention Ecosystem of the new generation

All statistics in real time

Seligoai impacts your institution's fiscal outlook, increasing net tuition revenue and stabilizing financial planning.

100% mobile & cloud accessible

Fully-integrated digital marketing capabilities offer proactive outreach to recruit prospective students as well as to retain current students.

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See What You're Missing

SeligoAl aligns institutional needs for information and queries into strategic now-casting and forecasting for all


Transforming the Student Experience

Seligoai also provides more than twenty-five features to assist the college in implementing primary workflows related to student market research, institutional research, recruitment, persistence, retention, program completion, guided pathways, course schedule audit and degree audit, course management, academic advising, internships, friends and alumni management, networking, partnership management. Performing these primary workflows can often be challenging, but Seligoai makes these tasks much easier. Colleges and universities can now build a personal and professional plan for each student which is data informed and offers a consultative approach to student success.

Seligoai's robust communication system offers multiple ways to share information, conduct communication flows to students, to colleagues and to alumni and friends of the college. Listening is also made easier by analytics. Knowing who is interested in your college or university is essential information. You can measure student interest with Seligoai's Affinity System. Seligoai also offers two CRMs, one for student recruitment and the other for Student Success/Retention.

Seligoai enables colleges and universities to improve their primary workflows affiliated with Student Success which in turn improves their ability to transform the student experience!


Learning is a complex process

Students are diverse, curious, forward-looking, and multitaskers. Some pursue post-secondary education immediately after high school, and others are lifelong learners who need asymmetrical, atypical learning environments to accomplish their educational goals. They need non-traditional support structures to achieve their dreams. Some will complete their programs, others will not. And among those who do not complete their degrees, some will discover their talents by following a different path. Some of these may even develop global technology firms or work in other equally successful ventures. Other may need the encouragement, structure and support which Seligoai offers.

Who are our students today How do we describe their interests and learn to serve them most effectively How do we assist them in developing a personalized academic and professional plan that integrates with their life factors Higher Education has a wonderful opportunity to creatively align its resources with diverse learners who will be entering an evolving workforce and preparing for exciting life experiences.

Seligoai has designed and developed Edtech resources for Higher Education to address students interests more effectively and to develop personalized academic and professional plans more efficiently. These plans can be implemented and completed on a scheduled timeline. They may be interrupted by life factors, but students can resume their studies. The doors of Higher Education remain open.

Seligoai's Communication Center, Student Success Messaging systems, administrative Report Exchange, and Recruitment and Retention CRM-s all combine to support effective communication with student cohorts, with individual students, and with administrative colleagues.

Seligoai's industry leading market research tools transform your institution's comprehensive marketing planning process. These tools and resources create a greater understanding of global and local markets. You and your colleagues can view and review the most salient information which assists the college in aligning its value propositions with student markets. The geospatial analyses are very cool. Why You can filter the displayed information to accommodate your curiosity and to conduct deep dives with other market research tools Seligoai provides.

Seligoai's diverse analytics tools provide meaningful insights into diverse student populations before and after enrollment. They facilitate innovative approaches to student services, guided pathways, and program completion. Seligoai's charts, graphs, and tables are interactive and operate in real-time. They provide actionable information which informs strategic plans, operations, institutional effectiveness and problem solving. And even more, Seligoai provides administrative staff and faculty advisors with the ability to communicate in multiple ways with students.


How does Seligoai support your student success programs

Seligoai's Student Course Schedule with Audit, Degree Audit and Class Schedule conveniently help faculty/staff academic advisors to assist students in completing their degrees and programs on time and in budget.

Faculty and Staff advisors can also enjoy using Seligoai's Retention CRM, which integrates nicely with various phone systems and enables advisors to smartly recall earlier conversations because of the CRMs call notes. The CRM also features individual student performance updates supplied by the college's Learning Management System. Seligoai's resources offer up-to-date information that is actionable! And the Retention CRM enables the faculty and staff advisors to engage students in a timely, effective manner. Another added value is the Student Notification System which sends students messages regarding their daily class schedule and class assignments. Seligoai is built to think and actively encourages students to attend classes and to complete their assignments.


Seligoai is student focused

Seligoai provides requisite datasets and behavior-based information as well as student engagement resources. Personalized academic and professional plans can then be created which reflect careful and thoughtful consideration of the students interests and preparation.

And even before this customized approach to Student Success begins, Seligoai's resources offers recruitment and retention resources that reflect its individualized approach to student service.

  • Seligoai's diverse set of analytics describe factors that affect Student Success: academic and professional interests, student markets, and student performance before and after matriculation. Seligoai's analytics provide actionable information for each student. Its Advanced Analytics system is industry leading. Seligoai's configurable and customizable computation engine provides Student Success Indices which assist the College in serving each student more effectively.
  • The Communication System offers a wide range of communication channels with which the student can make inquiries, review college offerings, and engage community administrative staff and faculty. A conversation can begin and be sustained.
  • Continuity is created between recruitment and retention staff that serves the interest of each student. Seligoai's Student Success module provides a digital journal for each student from their initial introduction as a Prospect all the way to Alumna/us.
  • Seligoai offers an expansive introduction to each student by integrating demographic information with geospatial perspectives. Multiple geospatial resources provide keen insight into the college's former and current markets. And with the assistance of an additional Seligoai geospatial tool, you can smartly and efficiently develop new student markets.
  • The more effectively administrative departments communicate with each other regarding student workflows, the more successfully we can support students. Seligoai offers an internal messaging system for college administrators. This messaging system is convenient and easy to use, and stores each communique regarding the student in the student's account.
  • A key factor in implementing an effective Student Success program is listening; listening to people, to analytics, to data and information, to student needs, to partner requests, to requested feedback, and to information which affect institutional effectiveness and sustainability. Seligoai provides a substantial set of tools and resources to assist the College's administrative staff and faculty in listening.


Seligoai conveniently organizes and beautifully displays student data. Its design is intuitive and elegant. It is easy to use. No superuser is required. Whether you review the Student Success module which tracks student progress from prospect to alumnus, or you conduct cohort-based research, or you want to learn more about an individual student, Seligoai provides interactive features which satisfy your curiosity. And once you have accumulated the information that you need to engage each student, there is a powerful suite of communication tools to support your communication flows.

Seligoai is engaging. Its personalized academic and professional planning tools for each student are more than a guided academic pathway. Seligoai is designed to address students complex daily schedules and commitments. Students lives are filled with personal and work commitments, family activities, and other interests. Education at the undergraduate, graduate and doctoral level is one of many priorities in each student's life. Seligoai understands this and provides multiple software applications in a single cloud-based platform to address these priorities that are easy and convenient to use.

Identify key Student Success factors for each student

The messaging system in each student's Student Success account enables recruiters to develop personalized communication flows directly with each student using email and texts. Discussions with students can be easily conducted, stored, and retrieved. These individualized communiques can assist the college in processing a student's self-identified needs and challenges prior to matriculation, which assists Student Services and/or the Student Success Team to solve student concerns well before classes begin.

There's also a Recruitment CRM that works alongside the Student Success system. The Recruitment CRM is created specifically for Higher Education, and its design has been influenced by the suggestions of higher educational professionals. Its funnel management charts are interactive and provide immediate access to each student's account. These are dynamic, interactive charts which are automatically updated and provide real-time data to enrollment managers and senior administrators.


Seligoai offers other communication tools to assist the college in resolving student issues and documenting their resolutions. Administrative departments can also use Seligoai's Report Exchange to document the decision-making process. These discussions between administrative departments are stored in each student's account so they can be easily referenced at any time.

Seligoai offers a substantial set of interactive charts, tables, and graphs. They include those which a college or a university might expect to receive in a lifecycle student management solution, but Seligoai exceeds expectations once again. Seligoai's advanced analytics provide a computation engine that is configurable and customizable. Data from multiple sources can be used to provide key insights into each student's anticipated performance prior to matriculation. And additional calculations can be developed to assess student performance following enrollment. Seligoai's computation engine uses Amazon AWS Machine Learning resources and can be scaled to accommodate diverse data sources and increased amounts of data.

It's a fabulous big data resource. It's not a black box. Seligoai's platform is innovative and practical. It's ground-breaking. Its advanced analytics transform student success workflows and enable student success staff to create academic plans before and after matriculation. If your goal is to offer your students a personalized academic and professional plan that encompasses their diverse interests, personal interests and professional commitments, Seligoai is the solution!

Expand existing student markets and grow new student markets!

And because Seligoai's student data sets include significant global geolocation information including country, province, state, county, city, postal code, Zip Code and Zip4, these geospatial analyses support market research, precise planning and marketing management. These resources also assist marketing staff in diversifying geofencing strategies.

Seligoai's Geospatial Analytics also helps manage risks in student markets, because it offers numerous analytics which allow you to evaluate student markets through each phase of funnel management. Why is this important Because student markets can change during each phase of funnel management.


There may be 150 students from a group of countries in Eastern Asia or from Iowa in the Prospect pool and by the time you review those same markets in the Completed Application phase, they may have disappeared. The VP for Enrollment Management can then make strategic pivots to respond to unexpected changes and provide the specific reasons for such shifts.

Seligoai's Geospatial Analytics also helps manage recruitment strategy within provinces, states, counties, postal codes, Zip Codes and Zip4 geospatial areas. Whether your college is a community college, a four-year college or a university, these different types of areas are important to the development of a balanced comprehensive marketing plan.

Because your institution's global marketing plan can incorporate strategies and tactics Seligoai's website and microsite management resources can identify students globally, Seligoai uses over 1 million postal codes and zip codes globally to identify areas of student interest.

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